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YES Communities: Volunteer Time Off Program

YES Communities 08/15/2024

YES Communities: Volunteer Time Off Program

At YES Communities, we’re committed to making a positive impact on our community. One of the ways we demonstrate this commitment is through our YES We Care program, which allows our team members to dedicate 8 work hours to volunteer efforts. Recently, both our Marketing and Human Resources teams took advantage of this initiative, and their contributions have made a significant difference in our local community.

Human Resources Team and Grow Local

Our HR team partnered with Grow Local, an inspiring organization dedicated to enhancing urban gardens and promoting sustainable practices.  Our team members worked at a local church garden where they got their hands dirty!

On a sunny day, our HR team rolled up their sleeves and spent hours weeding, planting, and tending to the garden beds. By partnering with Grow Local, they not only demonstrated their dedication to environmental care but also showed their commitment to community-focused projects.

“The YES Human Resources Team had a wonderful experience volunteering with Grow Local. Working in this small community garden helped remind us of our opportunity to make a positive impact on others by spending time volunteering in our local community,” said Jean Gonzales, Director of Human Resources.

Marketing Brand Team’s Park Cleanup

Meanwhile, our Marketing Brand team was busy making a tangible impact in a different way. They focused their volunteer efforts on a local park that needed some TLC. With trash bags in hand, they set out to clean up the park’s trails, playgrounds, and open spaces.

The team worked diligently to pick up litter, clear debris, and beautify the park. By improving the park’s environment, they contributed to creating a better recreational area for families and individuals in the community to enjoy. The Marketing team’s efforts not only enhanced the park’s appearance but also fostered a greater sense of community pride and responsibility.

"Having the ability to work alongside my team and the local community is extremely rewarding. The YES Brand Team annually cleans public parks in the Denver Metro Area. We are continually reminded about the importance of giving back as part of our YES mission,” said Vanessa Jasinski, Vice President of Marketing.

Making a Difference Through Volunteer Time Off

At YES, we’re proud of our teams for embracing their volunteer time off and making meaningful contributions to our local community. Dedication to volunteering not only strengthens our company culture but also reinforces our commitment to giving back.

We encourage all our employees to take advantage of their volunteer time off and find ways to give back. Whether it’s gardening, park cleanups, or other community initiatives, every effort counts in creating a better, more connected world. Together, we’re not just a company; we’re a community committed to making a positive impact.

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