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Over Halfway Through the Year: Time to Revisit Your Resolutions

YES Communities 07/17/2024

Can you believe it? We're already past the halfway mark of the year. As the days and weeks have flown by, now is the perfect moment to pause and reflect on those New Year's resolutions that you set back in January.

We start the year with plans to improve ourselves—hitting the gym, learning new skills, or finally starting that passion project we’ve put off. However, as life inevitably gets busy, these resolutions can be put on the back burner. The midpoint of the year is the perfect moment to pause, reassess, and realign us with our goals. This process is particularly relevant when we consider the stability and growth that a secure home environment can provide!

Here's are the steps to check in on your resolutions now and how they relate to the wider context of affordable housing and the value of home:

  1. Reflect on Your Progress: First things first, whether it’s pursuing personal goals or striving to secure affordable housing, it’s essential to celebrate the progress you’ve made! No matter how big or small, the chances are you've made some strides forward. Make sure to acknowledge your efforts and be proud of the steps you've taken.
  2. Reevaluate Your Priorities: Just as personal goals can shift, so too can housing needs and priorities. What might have seemed like an ideal living situation in January might not align with your current circumstances. Reassess your personal and housing goals to ensure they match your current priorities.
  3. Adjust and Refocus: If you’ve veered off track, whether in personal resolutions or in your housing search, do not be discouraged! Use this time to adjust your approach, set realistic milestones, and seek out resources or support systems that can aid your affordable housing goals.
  4. Celebrate Small Wins: Every step towards securing affordable housing or enhancing your living situation deserves recognition. Small victories, such as improving your credit score, saving for a down payment, or finding potential housing opportunities, are crucial milestones in the journey towards a stable home.
  5. Seek Support: Share your progress with friends or family who can cheer you on or provide valuable advice! Sometimes a fresh perspective can reignite your enthusiasm and help you stay committed.

New Year's resolutions are tools for personal growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment. Checking in on your resolutions isn’t about judging yourself—it’s about reaffirming your commitment to living your best life. In the context of housing, it’s about recognizing the importance of having a place to call home, a foundation that supports all other aspects of life. To find information about affordable homes available in your area, click here:

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